Monday, December 5, 2022



"It wasn't that the computers beat the humans it was that one type of intelligence beat another." 

World's best Go player flummoxed by Google's 'godlike' AlphaGo AI |  Artificial intelligence (AI) | The Guardian

Learning about the game AlphaGo and its success with using artificial intelligence was truly mind-blowing. Showing that AI could process a massive amount of data at once more than a human could handle was something I have never learned about before. There is so much great potential and prosperity for what AI can do. There have already been so many improvements in AI since the game which is significant for the future we face. 

Although artificial intelligence can be seen as a huge improvement in technology, it can take over society in a negative way. For example, there are already so many jobs being lost due to AI such as cashiers. Fast food restaurants... specifically, McDonald's already have touch-screen ordering. This is just the beginning too. 

McDonald's Says Goodbye Cashiers, Hello Kiosks

Artificial Intellengence has been a significant factor in increased inequality in the United States. For the next several decades it's going to be a big problem for the economy if AI continues to grow and prosper which is a scary thought.

Harry Cripps was a guest in the video and mentioned how he was scared of the future for this entire country if life continues in an automated system which I have to agree with as well. Because the future is being shaped by big, successful companies, how are smaller companies still going to prosper?

The technology today is so smart and has so much control over us it is scary to not have any control over our own lives. Surveillance capitalism is a private human experience that collects all of our human behaviors. When we search Google, Google is really searching us. 

Google Knows Everything About You!

In the Age of AI was truly eye-opening for me from learning about AI to knowing the secrets of Google. I never realized how much the internet actually knows from just doing a simple search. It's crazy to think that some people have no idea what happens behind the scenes. I truly believe if more people were aware of these circumstances, there would be fewer internet users. 

I will now never trust the internet again!

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