Thursday, December 8, 2022


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"False Flags"

After listening to Caleb Leventhal's presentation on the topic of "False Flags" I was very informed of all of the information and learned many new things. To summarize the idea of what false flags are, they are fake military attacks, which then create a deception towards a specific territory.How Russia conducts false flag operations - U.S. Embassy in Georgia

An example of a false flag was used in the operation of Northwoods in the year of 1962. This operation was a plan signed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1962 but was rejected by President Kennedy. It was also known as the "Cuba Project" which was a proposed order to invade Cuba.

False Flags: Operation Northwoods & Other Sneaky Spy OpsThis false flag operation was planned with the idea of using fake terrorist attacks caused by the CIA toward American citizens, then blaming it on Cuba to spark a war. This particular operation was proposed to do a number of things including actively causing terrorism in the US, assassinating immigrants from Cuba, and attacking and hijacking ships and planes.

A more recent example can be considered the Douma chemical attack in 2018. This was considered a chemical warfare attack which resulted in the death of 43 people. There were many conflicting reports from this operation as Ukraine and Russia both denied it.

 Dozens Suffocate in Syria as Government Is Accused of Chemical Attack - The  New York TimesUltimately, false flags are created to cause hate against various nations, and views on nationality and religion can also be warped from this idea. This damages the relationship between the government and the people. 

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